Monday 19 December 2011

Looking to the future

Monday 19th December

What to do when you have two small children, an inordinately large house with nothing in it, a husband who still can't see (see earlier posts) and your biggest resource empty packing boxes - well it's obvious - look to the future and build an escape vehicle. So today we have put in place plan B - the boxes are no longer and instead we have a 2.5m (8ft to our US readers) rocket to entertain ourselves until the rest of our toys arrive. Still under construction are the control panel and external equipment but to get an idea think Wallace and Gromit. It has been a constructive use of the first 8 boxes - when the next 277 arrive we will add on the launch pad, the boosters and the space station. At least we now have an escape route if it gets even more hairy. PS everyone felt strong enough to bring the tree in from the cold so it was decorated today too.

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