Monday 26 December 2011

Boxing Day walk

Monday 26th December

Next up in our family Christmas traditions is our Boxing Day walk (Boxing Day I hear the US readers cry - what is that?). We wanted to get off the beaten track and lacking an Ordnance Survey map, some well trod footpaths and some stiles, we ventured to PA State park Ridley Creek ( This park is set In the land which surrounded a historic mill community (Sycamore Mills) and still contains the remains of many tumble down stone houses as well as some of the original properties now private residences. It fitted the bill perfectly. A 4 mile hike along the creek, up and over some hills and under some very tall trees. It was all in beautiful sunshine (the days here are mostly clear and blue), accompanied by the usual complaining small people and we even met the boy scouts who had a cheery "good afternoon" for us - there were fellow Englishmen in their midst. On the way back we saw a fly fisherman in the river and G and I learnt what a "funeral door is". There are many such parks in PA so roll on the weekends so we can do more exploring.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Claudia I hope you are having a nice time at your new school! it was very sad on thurday without you ! we cried!!Poor Mrs Vian! How is your new home?Here it is very windy andI would like to know how is the weather where you are?
    love from camille
