Saturday 24 December 2011

Fairies and Felicity wishes magic

Tuesday 20th December

Yesterday two momentous things happened - firstly Georgina lost another tooth and secondly our first guest left to go back to UK. The first caused a fair amount of concern about whether or not the tooth fairy would find us. The second was another milestone in realising that we are now living here and not just on holiday. After waving Grandma through security a pick me up was needed and so it was time for Felicity Wishes magic in the form of some special stars. They worked a treat and this morning everyone is feeling much better. Even better - the tooth fairy came too (much more promptly than she usually manages in UK) - it is a good sign for a visit from Father Christmas (or Santa Claus as we now call him) later this week. Thank you very much to Grandma for coming with us to help us settle in, we are glad that she had a safe trip home. Thanks also to the givers of the stars - they know who they are.

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