Sunday 13 May 2012

Mother's Day

Sunday 13th May Well for some unfathomable reason Mother's Day in USA is celebrated in May rather than in March like in UK which leaves those of us with a foot in both sides of the pond with 2 dates to remember.  Nevertheless Mother's Day is always a treat whenever it comes and both small people arrived home from school with beautifully made crafts and gifts.  Also what better day to choose to make a trip to the local Chanticleer gardens  Following a burst of enthusiasm about Canterbury's history before leaving UK, we know Chanticleer to be the proud cockerel on Chaucer's Nun Priest's tale who was tricked by the cunning fox, but, according to the garden blurb the gardens were named after Thackeray's Chanticleer in The Newcomes who was, apparently, "mortgaged up to the very castle windows".  My literary knowledge is not good enough to be able to vouch for this but who are we to dispute the blurb.  The gardens were formerly home to the Rosengarten family who owned one of the many local pharmaceutical companies and which was acquired by Merck in 1920's.  The gardens were very beautiful with streams, pools, rockeries and dotted with Armish style deck chairs from which to enjoy the serenity.  It was good for us to see that so many plants that we associate with gardens in UK thrive here as well - we were not sure if anything much would grow by way of flowering plants due to the heat.  If we ever get a garden of our own it will provide lots of inspiration.   We look forward to many more Sunday afternoon strolls.

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