Tuesday 8 May 2012

Accidental damage

Tuesday 8th May I am sure many manage to move themselves cross continents without so much as a by your leave but, for us, the USA has brought more brushes with local healthcare than we have had in many a long year.  This time it was my turn as, armed with a kitchen knife, I tried to cut one potato just too thinly chopping off part of my fingers instead.  Straight to the local minor injuries clinic - the same medical team were on shift as for THE eye incident - so after the jovial pleasantries we were in and out in a flash of a stitching needle.  I don't know who was more nervous - the doctor when I said I was an attorney or me when he said he charged by the stitch so had put in an extra couple, but it will take me some time to recover from the cross selling of the tetanus jab.  At least we were assured that the invoice covered removing the stitches as well - it really is very different. Excuses, excuses but this does also explain in part why we are now having a MASSIVE blog catch up!

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