Sunday 29 January 2012

Spring mountain

Sunday 29th January

It seems to have been an incredibly mild winter so far in everywhere but Southern Europe and that has been great news for us skiing novices - it means the slopes are emptier (even if fewer of them are open). Today we had a successful second trip to our "local" mountain - Spring Mountain. We had been reliably informed a last night's school parents social that it was perfect for little learners and this proved to be the case. It is 40 minutes drive away so even on a Sunday we were there and all togged up ready to go at 10am. Everyone now knows how to negotiate the chair lifts. Once at the top C of course decided to throw herself down the steepest part of the mountain, throw herself on the ground and then throw a wobbly. Meanwhile G was already at the bottom ready to go again! Anyhow, much skillful negotiation later (actually the offer of sweets always does the trick), we were all up and running and everyone enjoyed several trips to the bottom (C in tandem using the poles). And all back home in time for lunch!

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