Sunday 22 January 2012

Chinese New Year and emergency rations from UK

Sunday 22nd January

Today everyone was very excited because we were going into Philadelphia to meet with Simon (an old neighbour) who was going to be bringing emergency supplies of golden syrup for flapjacks - yippee - corn syrup is just NOT the same thing at all. He had expressed an interest in trying a Philadelphia Cheese steak (?) but before meeting him we headed to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to join in their Chinese New Year family event. It was great - we made Chinese fans, Origami envelops to put our good fortune wishes in, and Chinese dragon head dresses. The Chinese dancing, music and writing demonstrations were really good. C loved trying on a kimono. This all tied in with G's school project where the children (we all know that you teachers don't really mean that!) had to make a lion mask at home. She didn't do too badly! It was really relaxing to catch up with Simon over brunch in Firehouse Jacks (good calimari - not traditional for brunch I know but tasty anyway) and to hear all the latest from SCR. We miss you all. Thanks so much for the rations and the dinosaurs - they have been growing ever since. And sorry to take so long to write about you!

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