Monday 9 January 2012

Reflections 4 weeks in (and counting)

Monday 9th January

Today marks 4 weeks of living in USA and so I thought that it was time for some reflections. There are definitely some positives to our new life Stateside - I have very easily got used to the small daily bonuses like the automatic garage doors which allow us to swoop up the drive and straight into the house without the "inconvenience" of having to get out of the car, the door to door yellow school bus service which makes the morning run much easier (and despite my best efforts the children have been returned safely everyday), and a walk in wardrobe large enough to swing a proverbial cat. There are some things though that will inevitably take some getting used to - the lack of roundabouts which makes driving very stop start, the top loading washing machine which "washes" in 30mins, supermarkets which do not seem to stock anything that I recognise (where is the App for the international secondee to tell me what I should be buying?), and can no one improve the packaging on everyday food basics so that they can be got from the box without having to take a knife and hack out an opening? The first Americanism has crept into the children too -apparently they need to change their "footwear" at school sometimes! What is wrong with shoes? We did have a lovely surprise today though - the arrival of two sledges - leaving presents from UK school friends - we look forward to using them when the snow comes. Thank you so very very much! And in a throw back to all things Britsh we have today purchased a Mini with chequered roof and a "stick-shift". Only 100 more weeks to go.

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