Tuesday 12 June 2012

School is out for summer - but that means no more clubs

This is a post by guest blogger G. A really good thing about living in America is that the summer holidays start really really early. We have 12 whole weeks off school. Hooray! We have all sorts of things planned. We are going to the beach. We are moving house. We are going to build a weather station. We are going to summer camp. And we are also looking forward to friends and family from England coming - it will be fantastic. I wanted to tell you about some of the school clubs that we have been doing. My favourite club was dance club. At dance club we learnt dances to different songs - Cowboy Joe, Dynamite and Party in the USA. For the last few dance clubs we went to the gym and played lots of fun games like cat and rat and polar bears and penguins. The children who went to dance club got to stand in front of the whole school and lead everyone dancing together for ACES day - a day to remind everyone the importance of keeping fit. I was a bit nervous. Another club which I have joined at school is Brownies. We did lots of things together like going to a karate centre as part of our sports badge and we made bags and T-shirts. At the end of the year every girl scout gets together for the "Bridging Ceremony" where the older Daisys become Brownies and the older Brownies become Junior Girl Scouts. All the groups did a different show for the audience. My group did a performance where we all said what we liked about Brownies and it spelt "Brownies". Both C and I have also joined chess club. The worst thing about chess club is that it is before school on a Monday morning. - yikes. The best thing was the tournament at the end where we played with all different sweets instead of chess pieces and even got to eat them when they were knocked off the board. I like playing with all the different children who come.

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