Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day

Sunday 17th June Hot on the heals of Mother's Day, Father's Day dawned sunny and not too hot at all. We had the pleasure of being able to spend it with two fathers - the resident one and G of G&G, who are in town to enjoy some summer holidays. As an added bonus we had a visitor from far flung Singapore as well. Picnics and out door activities being our thing (some might say cheap and cheerful) we headed off to another county park this time Springton Manor Farm ( The butterfly house was very pleasant and we enjoyed seeing monarchs with their jade green crysallises and lots of other types that have passed me by. Well - that is to say we were enjoying looking until the ranger mentioned that it would help to try to spot the wood frog who had been enjoying the butterflies as tasty snacks and discarding the wings, so we were unable to resist seeking him out and then using a picnic tub to capture him - I am sure that the undergrowth will recover and at least neither of the two fathers ended up in the pond. After releasing the frog in a far away pond and a picnic watching ground hogs playing in the fields we headed to the farm to see the new piglets but instead were entranced by the swifts (chimney swifts?) darting in and out feeding their multiple squarking chicks in the tiny nests nestled in the rafters. The day was rounded off by a swim in our newly acquired swimming pool - well everyone dived in apart from the Singapore resident who said it was too cold...........thank you very much Kim for coming to visit - it was a great pleasure to catch up with you and compare experiences of international relocation.

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