Sunday 27 November 2011

Christmas is coming.........

Sunday 27th November

Today is the first Sunday of advent and one of my favourite church services of the year. I took the girls to the school advent service in a Medieaval church in Challock (for more history of the church see here The service was everything we had hoped - well done to Mrs Gleeve for conducting such an excellent choir. The girls were fascinated by watching their piano teacher (school legend Mr Chris Berriman) playing the organ and we all enjoyed the hymns and readings. Half way through the service though it suddenly struck me that Christmas is now so close, this year our family build up is going to be so different from previous years and that by the big day itself we will be fully ensconced in USA. It seems that reality is slowly sinking in! In fact I was so distracted that I didn't manage to spot Mr Berriman in the murals (I have it on very good authority that he is immortalised there). The animals were fascinating though and Claudia and I are still trying to work out where the secret spiral staircase goes.........

Our belongings are on their way

Thursday 24th November

We have found out today that our container has left Felixstowe today on its way to Philadelphia and is due to arrive stateside on 9th December. Thank you very much to Mrs Cave for waving it off (you see there is something to do in Suffolk after all). The big question is how long will it take to clear customs and so will we have everything back for Christmas - if so no presents needed!

Monday 21 November 2011


Well this week hosts possibly the most important holiday of the year for many Americans, Thanksgiving. It's my first Thanksgiving spent in the US and I'm lucky enough to have been invited to spend it with a local family so I've been doing a bit of research in preparation.....
Thanksgiving is celebrated in America every year on the fourth Thursday of November, and whilst it has similarities to Harvest Festival has taken on special significance due to the hardships experienced by the early settlers (of which more in a later post perhaps). For most Americans it revolves around a family celebration (hence it is also one of the worst times to travel in the USA because everyone else is going 'home'). Turkey seems to figure quite highly on the menu, rather like a UK Christmas, but I haven't heard anyone mention Brussels Sprouts yet so it can't be all bad, right? Thanksgiving has also been marked by parades, and many cities still have large ones, and also often marks the end of the American College Football season so many people watch a football game.
I'll let you know how I get on.

What will we miss?

Monday 21st November 2011

Today I sat my grade 2 piano exam which I have been working towards achieving before departing UK - I also went to the ATP tennis finals with a friend - a tradition for the past 3 years. We will definitely miss all the people and friends who have made living in Kent such a rewarding experience - we hope to stay in touch and this blog should help. I look forward to my piano exam results and bad luck Andy Murray.

Is everyone going to live in Pennsylvania?

Saturday 19th November 2011

Today I went with the girls for a final meal in one of our favourite Canterbury family restaurants Pizza Express ( we were served by our favourite waitress (we will miss her) but on the table behind us a group of 15 year old girls had organised a surprise party lunch for their friend Jenny because she was leaving the UK to go and live in .............. West Chester Pennsylvania - incredible - must be the place to go!

The adventure begins

Friday 18th November 2011
Today the Summers family adventure to live in Pennsylvania has begun. We moved out of our home in Canterbury and into a holiday cottage, Silbertswold Cottage, where we will live for the last 3 weeks (you too can holiday here and the owners are lovely!). We watched all 277 boxes of our things going off down the road in a container to Felixstowe - we look forward to being reunited with them in USA (before Christmas if we are very lucky). Silbertsworld Cottage will make a cosy staging post with friends (and the untamable puppy Wilbur) until we depart on 12th December. We are feeling apprehensive about what awaits us but looking forward to the exciting opportunities and new friends that we will make!