Saturday 27 October 2012

The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra

Saturday 27th October

Today I had the pleasure of accompanying G and two of her friends into Philadelphia for a family performance of the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra.   By chance I had stumbled upon the event when idly searching for local things to do - a series of 5 family concerts in a year - certainly our sort of thing.  First up was the music of American composer Aaron Copland ( and a concert on the theme of cowboys and callaberos.

The concert was held at the Kimmel centre ( in downtown Philly and even the train ride was an adventure for these girls.  The orchestral concert hall itself is built in the shape of a cello and that is pretty interesting to see.  The orchestra and audience were clearly ready for fun with many dressed for the part.  The event was introduced by the orchestra's new musical director (Yannick Nezet-Seguin) - he didn't seem quite so prepared for the fun appearing somewhat apologetically on stage with what appeared to be some half hitched props.  The concert itself was hosted by Jamie Bernstein - daughter of Leonard Bernstein.  She skilfully guided us through excerpts from "Billy the Kid" and "Rodeo" nicely setting the scene for the audience and introducing the different instruments, tempos and musical mood from enormous prairies through one horse towns to Mexican villages.  She even got us all singing by teaching us a couple of traditional cowboy tunes - poor "Old Painter".

We all had a fun day out rounded off by takeout chicken and FRIES (I will gloss over the scuffle that broke out in the restaurant between the staff and a lady "acquiring"something to drink as we were waiting - I don't think the children will be mentally scarred).  A quick round of Happy Families on the return journey to round off a pleasant trip.

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