Friday 10 August 2012

Was the summer of ........ 2012

School was out for 12 whole weeks - should we consider this a childcare nightmare or an opportunity for an education of a different kind?  One thing is for sure - it is far too hot and sticky to contemplate going to school and for us the option of decamping to the beach for 3 months is not a reality.  So summer camp it was.

In January I had attended a summer camp fair at the local High School to find out what the options were.  It rivalled my recollection of Fresher's fair as stall after stall vied for parental attention and money.   There is nothing that can't be done - crash courses in the 3R's, languages, sports, adventure, day camp, residential camps, nature camps, religious camps, Eco camps, save the world camps - the list was endless.  We plumped for 3 different camps - and this is what they thought.......

The first camp we did was day camp.  It was the best camp because we did a mix of everything and we had to try to catch Carly Quickhands who was a cowboy who had stolen money from the bank.  The reward was 100 popsicles.  My favourite thing was drama - we learnt lots of new dances and played musical statues.  "I threw a wish in the well....." was my best song.  I was camper of the week.

The second camp we did was half a day of nature and half of tennis.  I liked nature camp because we went fishing and caught lots of minnows.  We went canoeing as well.  Tennis camp was hard work - we had to run around a lot even though it was hot. C was camper of the week.

The last camp was art camp.  I did 4 classes - drawing, mud works, puppet making and Cassatt to Seurat.  My favourite lesson was puppet making.  I made a puppet cake and ginger bread man and some shadow puppets.  At the end we put on a show for the parents.

Next year I would like to do a theatre summer camp.

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