Tuesday 21 February 2012

President's Day Weekend

Sunday 19th February & Monday 20th February Whilst American's tend to get less holiday than in Europe, this is partly countered by a larger number of public holidays - something like 12 in total throughout the year.  They also come thick and fast early in the year with the second public holiday falling on the 3rd weekend in February - President's Day.  The date is chosen because this is George Washington's birthday (1st President of USA following its independence from British rule in 1776).  We live very close to Valley Forge National Historic Park (http://www.nps.gov/vafo/index.htm) which has very close links with George Washington himself because it was here that he mustered the Revolutionary Army in the Winter of 1777 prior to one of the final assaults on the British troops in Philadelphia the following year. We enjoyed a couple of great days of activities with our guests to celebrate this important day in the US calendar.  On the Sunday we enjoyed another family event at the Philadelphia Art museum (see earlier blogs) not surprisingly this one was themed around American Art.  We designed our own Presidential china (did you know each one has his own set of china made for use at the white House?), made traditional quilts from felt shapes and drew self -portraits in the style of great Presidential drawings.  Then it was off on a quick tour of the galleries to find the originals that had inspired our creations - we were particular impressed by the Shaker furniture, early American wooden carved plates and original Tiffany glass lamps.  All good trips to Philadelphia Art Museum are followed by lunch in Firehouse Jacks - and this was no exception.  Well done Gramps for running all the way up the Rocky Steps - if you don't know what we mean watch the film! On Monday it was off to Valley Forge itself to join in the celebrations.  There was lots going on - the children conscripted for the Revolutionary Army, we all dressed up to be photographed with the great man himself, and then the gathered throng sang happy birthday and we enjoyed a slice of cake made to his wife Martha's original recipe (or a cup cake of you were under 12).  Fuelled by the sugar in the cakes (US cakes are very sweet) in the afternoon we walked out down the river through the park to explore Washington's headquarters whilst stationed in Valley Forge - the house was a farm house in the valley commandeered by the troops for the purpose when they arrived.  Dotted around are other properties where notable generals and their staff were also stationed.  The rooms are simple but laid out as they would have been with artefacts from the era.  Not quite Dover Castle but a very interesting piece of national history nonetheless.  On the way back we spotted trout in the river but no eagles this time like we spotted last time we were walking along this river. Thank you so much to G&G for making the trip and joining us for this long weekend - it was great to see you both, we were all very sad to say goodbye, and we can't wait for you to come back in the summer.

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