Tuesday 21 February 2012

President's Day Weekend

Sunday 19th February & Monday 20th February Whilst American's tend to get less holiday than in Europe, this is partly countered by a larger number of public holidays - something like 12 in total throughout the year.  They also come thick and fast early in the year with the second public holiday falling on the 3rd weekend in February - President's Day.  The date is chosen because this is George Washington's birthday (1st President of USA following its independence from British rule in 1776).  We live very close to Valley Forge National Historic Park (http://www.nps.gov/vafo/index.htm) which has very close links with George Washington himself because it was here that he mustered the Revolutionary Army in the Winter of 1777 prior to one of the final assaults on the British troops in Philadelphia the following year. We enjoyed a couple of great days of activities with our guests to celebrate this important day in the US calendar.  On the Sunday we enjoyed another family event at the Philadelphia Art museum (see earlier blogs) not surprisingly this one was themed around American Art.  We designed our own Presidential china (did you know each one has his own set of china made for use at the white House?), made traditional quilts from felt shapes and drew self -portraits in the style of great Presidential drawings.  Then it was off on a quick tour of the galleries to find the originals that had inspired our creations - we were particular impressed by the Shaker furniture, early American wooden carved plates and original Tiffany glass lamps.  All good trips to Philadelphia Art Museum are followed by lunch in Firehouse Jacks - and this was no exception.  Well done Gramps for running all the way up the Rocky Steps - if you don't know what we mean watch the film! On Monday it was off to Valley Forge itself to join in the celebrations.  There was lots going on - the children conscripted for the Revolutionary Army, we all dressed up to be photographed with the great man himself, and then the gathered throng sang happy birthday and we enjoyed a slice of cake made to his wife Martha's original recipe (or a cup cake of you were under 12).  Fuelled by the sugar in the cakes (US cakes are very sweet) in the afternoon we walked out down the river through the park to explore Washington's headquarters whilst stationed in Valley Forge - the house was a farm house in the valley commandeered by the troops for the purpose when they arrived.  Dotted around are other properties where notable generals and their staff were also stationed.  The rooms are simple but laid out as they would have been with artefacts from the era.  Not quite Dover Castle but a very interesting piece of national history nonetheless.  On the way back we spotted trout in the river but no eagles this time like we spotted last time we were walking along this river. Thank you so much to G&G for making the trip and joining us for this long weekend - it was great to see you both, we were all very sad to say goodbye, and we can't wait for you to come back in the summer.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Important Visitors

Saturday 18th February We have all been excitedly looking forward to this weekend and the awaited arrival of G&G from UK for a flying visit - it was great to see you when we got home from swimming and we are looking forward to showing you all around this weekend. Saturday was another one of those bright, crisp and clear winter days (oh how we will not tire of those) so we decided to head out for a walk and investigate another of our local State parks.  The chosen venue was Marsh Creek (http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/findapark/marshcreek/) and it proved to a lovely park and a peaceful reservoir.  We set off from an unlikely looking spot on the banks of the reservoir but enjoyed a very pleasant walk around the shores.  We found a small beach where we could all perch on a tree branch for our picnic lunch and then it was on around to the damn itself - it is very impressive .  On the way back we walked along the shore and found lots of interesting shells - the is clearly lots of interesting wild-life there but a bit too cold for much of it to be seen today.  It also looks as though there is boating and swimming to be had there in the summer too so we shall look forward to returning. And that isn't even the best bit ............ we we back in time for the ladies to scoot off to King of Prussia (http://www.simon.com/mall/landing/845/) the US's largest indoor shopping Mall (think Bluewater and then the rest) , for a bit of retail therapy and to pick up a Cheesecake Factory cheesecake for supper.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Everyone is green run competent

Sunday 12th February

Today was a skiing milestone - everyone is now green run competent - very well done to C for persevering and getting the hang of it - we would say well done to G too but we can't catch her! After a reluctant start (clearly last night's sugar high had moved to an energy low) little people had to be dragged from the slopes shouting "more, more". Next time we will get an "All Mountain" pass and find out what lies on the other side........

Saturday 11 February 2012

The annual school Father Daughter Dance

Saturday 11 th February

This Saturday brought the highlight of the under 10's social calendar with the 9th annual school Father and Daughter Dance. I've seen enough 80's Brat Pack cinema to know how important the High School Prom is, but I hadn't realised things started in KG. On the theme of Hollywood, red carpet, corsages and all, nearly 200 little starlets and their rather less excited 'beaus' gathered for an evening of dancing, popcorn, fizzy drinks, cakes and a chocolate fountain. I imagine it would have been quieter at a Beatles concert. The evening was captured by the official photographer, but not before G had made an attempt to wear much of the chocolate fountain, and you will have to wait a while for the portraits to come through. I'm sure every self-respecting a-lister knows that taking 2 dates to the same event is fraught with danger, but you never see Gwyneth crying over spilt chocolate do you? The evening was rounded off by two sugar-fuelled exhausted little darlings deciding to scrape the snow off the MINI with their newly acquired 'Oscar' trophies. The scratches may polish out, but by then I'd kind of lost my sense of humour and screaming 'you're only supposed to blow the bloody snow off' resulted in just more salty water on the garage floor. Ah the life of an Elementary school starlet is not an easy one.....

PS good job V on hanging the silver stars on the gym walls - now we know what you were doing all morning.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Groundhog Day

Thursday 2nd February

Today is Groundhog day - C is the best informed of all of us about what that seems to mean - the groundhog pops up his head - if he sees his shadow he goes back to sleep as there will be another 6 weeks of winter, if not spring is just around the corner. G informed us that from the statistical analysis conducted in her Math(!) lesson that since records began (there seemed to be several hundred years worth of them - is this the oldest thing in USA?) on all but 5 instances the groundhog has seen his shadow. It was the case this year too. Maybe more sledging opportunities exist. Here is the tongue twister "how much ground would a groundhog hog,if a groundhog could hog ground?"

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Wednesday 1st February

We love the Americans and their earnestness to celebrate everything with all possible commercial opportunities - we all took advantage this week and enjoyed the Krispy Kreme seasonal doughnuts http://krispykreme.com/home, special treat following another trip to NYC for work (well there have to be some perks especially since I still have no contract and so am not being paid!). Why can we not get decent doughnuts near where we live (not so hard in USA you would think) - maybe we will need to venture to Dunkin' (after all "America drives on them" - frightening!) - or maybe it is not such a bad thing that the decent doughnuts are not so easy to come by............